ONLINE CUSTOMER SERVICE General terms and conditions

The following Customer Service General Terms and Conditions (Terms) apply to repair and service request made Online. Please read these Terms carefully and make sure you understand them before submitting your online service request.

  1. Scope of application
    1. These Terms of Breitling SA are common to all authorized Breitling Service Centers (Breitling Centers) and apply to all repairs and maintenance services (Service) carried out by them on any Breitling watch (Product) belonging to a third party (Customer).
  2. Service request
    1. The Service request may be filled-in directly by the Customer through the Online form (Service Request) accessible on Breitling website
    2. After having filed in the Service Request, the Customer receives by Email a confirmation of his Service Request (Confirmation).
    3. The Customer further receives by Email a Service reference number, as well as login details in order to have online access to the status of his Service request (Service Status Account). Approximate delivery time, and other information, will be available on his Service Status Account, accessible at the following address:
  3. Process and timeframe
    1. The Customer shall send his Product to Breitling Center, which will examine it and prepare a Service cost estimate (Estimate).
    2. The Estimate shall be approved in writing by the Customer and Breitling Center will only start proceeding to the Service after having received advanced payment of the Service.
    3. When the Service falls within the coverage of the International Warranty, no Estimate is issued, except for specific optional aesthetic services requested. The Customer is informed about the start of the performance of the Service.
    4. Breitling Center will endeavour to complete the Service within a reasonable timeframe. However, any dates quoted by Breitling Center for completion of the Service are approximate only and Breitling Center shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from failure to meet such dates.
  4. Delivery of the Product
    1. Within the Confirmation Email, the Customer receives detailed information describing how to send the Product to Breitling Center.
    2. The Product may be sent by post in the Breitling Box and packaging delivered to the Customer by Breitling Center, which may in some countries be prepaid.
    3. In countries where prepaid Breitling Box and packaging is not available, or if the Customer do not use the prepaid Box and packaging, the delivery risks and costs will be borne by the Customer.
  5. Cost Estimate
    1. After reception of the Product, Breitling Center will send an Estimate to the Customer by Email, within a reasonable timeframe. This Estimate will also be accessible to the Customer in his Customer Service Status Account.
    2. The Estimate describes the state of the Product and lists the nature of the mandatory and optional repair Services, specifying, when necessary, the Product components and parts that need to be replaced or repaired
    3. The Estimate remains valid for thirty (30) days from the date of it issuance and shall be expressly approved by the Customer.
    4. The Estimate is free of charge.  The cost of the Estimate will be charged to the Customer only when the Estimate is rejected, or the Service Request withdrawn, and the Product returned to the Customer without Service.
  6. Modification of the Estimate
    1. If Breitling Center discovers during the Service, that additional operations not included in the initial Estimate are necessary in order to maintain the functionality, integrity or the water resistance of the Product, Breitling Center will promptly inform the Customer.
    2. Before continuing any Service, Breitling Center will send an updated Estimate to the Customer and require his express approval.
  7. Acceptance of the Estimate by the Consumer
    1. Once the Customer has expressly accepted the Estimate and paid the full amount, Breitling Center will carry out the Service with all reasonable endeavours.
    2. The Customer keeps the possibility to extend his/her consent to optional Services, initially not accepted by him/her, if such acceptance is communicated in writing to Breitling Center before the beginning of the Service.
  8. Rejection of the Estimate by the Consumer
    1. After expiration of the validity of the Estimate, or when the Customer rejects the Estimate, the Product will be returned to the Customer in its initial condition as it has been delivered by him/her to Breitling Center, only after payment of the cost of the Estimate.
  9. Service request under International Warranty
    1. Upon express Customer request, the Service may be covered under the terms of the International Warranty provided by Breitling SA as described at
    2. When the Customer requires Breitling Center to repair the Product under the terms of the International Warranty, he must provide the necessary evidence showing that the required Service falls within the conditions of the International Warranty. If the Customer fails to provide such evidence, Breitling Center will be entitled to charge the Customer for the Service, like for any Service not covered by the International Warranty.
    3. When Breitling Center considers that the Service are covered by the International Warranty, and that all conditions are fulfilled, the customer is informed accordingly, and about the imminent start of the Service.
    4. If, during the Service, Breitling Center notices that a ground of International warranty exclusion exists, it will immediately interrupt the Service. Before continuing any Service, Breitling Center will send an Estimate to the Customer and require his express acceptance before continuing any Service.
    5. In case of rejection of the Estimate by the Customer, Breitling Center reserves the right to charge the Customer for any Service performed so far, along with any possible costs for preparing the Estimate, for the packaging, transporting and insurance, as a reasonable compensation for Breitling Center. The Product will be returned to Customer in its initial condition as it has been delivered by him/her to Breitling Center, only after payment of the above-mentioned costs.
    6. Specific rules applying to the Breitling EMERGENCY watch models are reserved.
  10. Right of withdrawal
    1. When applicable in accordance to the Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights applies, the Customer has the right to withdraw his Estimate acceptance and cancel his Service Request by giving written notice to Breitling Center in writing within 14 days from the Customer’s acceptance date of the Estimate.
    2. Breitling Center will not start proceeding with the Service of the Product before the expiration of this 14 days period, unless the Customer has expressly requested the immediate execution of the Service during the withdrawal period and has acknowledged that he will consequently lose the right to withdraw from the Service.
    3. The Customer wanting that Breitling Center begins the Service of the Product immediately after acceptation of the Estimate must actively request it.
    4. In case of immediate execution request, the Customer acknowledges that he irrevocably renounces to his right of withdrawal and ceases to have the right to cancel the Service, which will be completed.
    5. No right of withdrawal may anymore be exercised after the 14 days period has elapsed.
    6. Detailed information and documents about how to exercise the right of withdrawal is available under the following link: Privacy policy | Breitling
    7. In case of valid exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer, Breitling Center will refund the price paid for the Service and return the Product. Any Service performed until reception of the withdrawal will be invoiced to the Customer, along with any possible costs for preparing the Estimate, packaging, transporting and insurance, as a reasonable compensation for Breitling Center.
  11. Price and payment
    1. Maximum prices of the Services are available on Breitling website  Where applicable, the prices, which may include VAT, postage and packaging, are provided for information purpose only.  
    2. The price communicated to the Customer in the Estimate constitutes the total price, including all additional applicable costs and taxes. No additional cost is charged in relation to the payment means available to the Customer.
    3. The price of the Service must be paid after acceptance of the Estimate, before the performance of the Service.
    4. Payment details and modalities are expressly stated on the Estimate.
    5. Payment may be made by credit card. The Customer acknowledges that payments made by credit card may be processed by a third party service provider or Breitling and warrants that he has appropriate authority to use the payment card details as provided.
    6. Breitling Center reserves the right to modify the price of the Service from time to time. After express acceptance of the Estimate, and subject to specific circumstances as set out in article 6, Breitling Center will not carry out the Service at a modified price.
  12. Reception of the Product
    1. Breitling Center reserves the right to send the Product to Breitling SA, 2540 Grenchen, Switzerland, when it considers necessary, in particular for the preparation of the Estimate, in case of doubt about the authenticity of the Product or uncertainty about the identification of a vintage Product.
  13. Standard of Service
    1. If Breitling Center considers that it is able to service the Product, it will do it to Breitling S.A.’s specifications.
    2. Breitling Center shall decide at its sole discretion the nature and method of Service as it deems appropriate to achieve full functionality, integrity and water resistance of the Product according to Breitling’s quality standards.
    3. When original components are no longer available, or in case of impossibility to restore a vintage Product, Breitling Center will not be able to proceed to the Service. In such cases, Breitling will propose at its sole discretion a commercial offer for a new Product.
    4. If the Customer accepts the offer, Breitling Center will return the original Product. Breitling Center will engrave a specific marking on the Product, on inner components and parts, for tracking purposes.
    5. Breitling Center will seek for the authorisation of the Customer before proceeding to any replacement of major component or part of vintage watches, like glass, dial, watchcase, balance wheel, which may affect its vintage character.
  14. Replacement of components and parts
    1. The components and parts of a watch movement replaced during a Service are included in the price of the Service as long as the replacement of these components is considered usual and standard for the Service.
    2. In all other cases, including cases where the Product has suffered of impact or other damage requiring the replacement of certain components or parts before their usual replacement date, Breitling Center will send an updated Estimate to the Consumer and request his/her express approval.
    3. By accepting the Estimate, the Customer agrees that any components and parts exchanged, except for the straps and bracelets, become ownership of Breitling Center upon the replacement date.
  15. Force majeure
    1. If, despite reasonable efforts, Breitling Center cannot complete the Service due to a force majeure event, the completion of the Service will be interrupted and delayed depending on the nature and scale of the event. Force majeure includes, without limitation, natural phenomena, conflicts, strikes, attacks, unforeseen official restrictions and any other events beyond the control of Breitling Center. If any force majeure event delays or prevents the completion of the Service for a continuous period of six (6) months the Customer can send a written notification to Breitling Center requesting the return of the Product.
    2. Any Service performed until the interruption will be invoiced to the Customer, along with any possible costs for packaging, transporting and insurance, as a reasonable compensation for Breitling Center. No cost for work not undertaken will be charged to the Customer.
  16. Return of the Product after completion of the Service
    1. The Product will be returned in a protected packaging to the delivery address specified by the Customer on the Service Request form. The method of packing and despatching of the Product shall be at Breitling Center’s sole discretion.
    2. An email notification will be sent to the Customer on the day that the Product will be despatched.
    3. If the Customer notices that the packaging is damaged, he/she shall take a picture of the packaging and promptly inform Breitling Center and the carrier in writing of such damage within three (3) days as of the day on which the Product was returned.
  17. Delay in collecting Product
    1. The Customer shall collect the Product within a maximum of 5 years following the date of availability of the serviced Product. Failing that, and after reasonable and repeated attempts of the Breitling Center to send the Product and/or contact the Customer, based on contact information provided by him on the Service Request or on his Service Status Account, the Customer expressly allows the Breitling Center to dispose of the Product at its sole discretion.
  18. Service Warranty
    1. The following warranty clauses do not apply to the limited service consisting of the battery change and other on-demand Services. Any warranty related to the water resistance or the proper functioning of the Product is expressly excluded.
    2.  Any work carried out during the Service is covered by a service warranty of one (1) year, from the date of the Service as stated on the invoice.
    3. The Customer shall carefully examine the Product and inform Breitling Center in writing, within five (5) working days upon receipt of the Product after completion of the Service and inform in writing the Breitling Center without delay of any apparent defects that may be promptly detected. Failing that, the Product shall be deemed accepted in good condition by the Customer and Breitling Center will be released from all and any claim or liability, unless it relates to a defect, which could not have been reasonably noticed promptly. Any longer deadline foreseen by local applicable law are reserved.
    4. The service warranty does not cover: wear and tear from normal use and ageing of the Product/ theft/ loss/ damage caused by natural disasters/ damage caused by accident like a shock, blow or, crushing/ damage resulting from mistreatment or improper use/ damage resulting from alteration of the Product by any party whatsoever other than an authorized Breitling Center. Water resistance problems and their consequences if the services, including water resistance testing & maintenance, have not been performed every two years.
    5. The Service warranty is granted in addition to any other legal rights you could have based on the relevant national legislation and does not interfere with such rights.
    6. The Service warranty is independent of and does not affect Breitling international warranty given with your purchase.
  19. Counterfeit Products
    1. If the first examination of the Product handed over and entrusted reveals that one or several components or parts of it are counterfeit, Breitling reserves the right to refuse to perform any Service on the Product, and will inform the Customer accordingly.
    2. If the first examination of the Product reveals that the Product, or a part or component thereof, is counterfeit, the Breitling Center may proceed to detailed examination of the counterfeit Product and investigate on its origin and commercialization channel. Breitling Center may seek assistance of the Customer, who agrees to collaborate, and ask him for any pertinent information.
    3. By delivering the Product to Breitling points of sales or Breitling Center, the Customer expressly agrees to assign the Product for free to Breitling Center for destruction in the event that the examination of the Product reveals that it is a counterfeit or that it contains major counterfeit components or parts..
    4. In case of minor counterfeit components or parts, Breitling Center may, at its sole discretion, propose their replacement to Customer. An Estimate is sent to Customer for approval. In case of refusal, Breitling Center reserves the right to refuse to proceed to any Service to the Product.
    5. Upon request, Breitling Center will provide the Customer with a document confirming the counterfeit character of the Product, and will provide assistance to the Customer, should the latter decide to launch legal action against the seller.
  20. Modified Products
    1. When a Product shows original components or parts whose appearance or function has been modified, or which are not original, Breitling Center reserves the right to refuse, at its sole discretion to proceed to any Service to the modified Product.
    2. At its sole discretion, Breitling Center may accept to perform the Service of a modified Product. Breitling Center will provide the Customer with an Estimate taking into account the work and components required to return the Product to its original appearance and function.
  21. Stolen Product
    1. If the Product has previously been reported, and is listed as stolen in Breitling database, Breitling Center reserves the right to inform the relevant authorities. The Customer agree that Breitling Center may, on request or at its sole discretion, provide the authority with the contact details of the Customer.
    2. Breitling Center will not proceed with the Service on the stolen Product until the ownership is determined.
    3. Breitling Center will keep the Product in custody until the ownership is determined. Only the authorities have the right to determine the legal ownership of the Product. Upon request, Breitling Center may deliver the Product to the investigating authority.
  22. Personal data protection
    1. Your personal data will be collected, processed and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy (Privacy policy | Breitling).
  23. Liability
    1. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Breitling Center’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
    2. Breitling Center shall under no circumstances whatsoever be liable to Customer whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit or any indirect loss or any loss or damage that is not foreseeable arising under or in connection with these Terms.
    3. Breitling Center’s total liability to Customer in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with these Terms shall be limited to an amount equal to Breitling’s then recommended retail price of a replacement of the Product. In the event that Breitling no longer manufactures and sells a product which is identical to the Product, Breitling Center’s liability will be limited to Breitling’s then recommended retail price of the nearest model equivalent to the Product in the current range. In such circumstances, Breitling Center reserves the right to satisfy, at its sole discretion, its liability by providing the Customer with a replacement of the Product or the nearest model equivalent to the Product.
  24. Miscellaneous
    1. Breitling Center may transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation, but this will not affect the Customer rights or Breitling Center’s obligations under these Terms. The Customer may only transfer his rights and obligation to another person under these Terms with prior written approval from Breitling Center.
    2. These Terms, along with the Service Request and the Estimate, constitute the entire agreement between Breitling Center and the Customer in respect of the Service, and supersede any prior written or oral agreements, representations or understandings between Breitling Center and the Customer. The parties confirm that they have not entered into the agreement based on any representation or undertaking that is not expressly incorporated into the Services Request, the Estimate or these Terms.
    3. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed amended to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Terms.
    4. Breitling Center reserves the right to amend these Terms from time to time. Any amendment of these Terms shall be made in writing. The Customer agrees that the Terms in force at the time of receipt of his Service Request by Breitling Center apply to the provision of the Service.
  25. Applicable law
    1. These Terms and the relationship between Breitling Center and the Customer are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the country where the registered office of Breitling Center in charge of the Service is located, excluding the rules on conflict of laws, provided that such election of law is not excluded by the national law of the domicile of the Customer.
    2. This shall not deprive the Customer of the protection afforded to him/her by mandatory provisions of the law of his/her domicile that may be more favourable to Customer.
  26. Jurisdiction
    1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any question regarding their interpretation, existence or validity, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts where the registered office of Breitling Center in charge of the Service is located. This shall not deprive the Customer from the protection afforded to him/her by such mandatory provisions of the law applicable that cannot be derogated from by contract.

Updated in November 2023